Dec 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

I toked this picture with a Nikon 1974... always old style !!

Love and peace for all !!!


Dec 30, 2010

2010 - One of a kind

This year has been EXTREME in every way. Actually, quite shocking!
From icon lost in fashion world to earthquakes and social changes, this period makes me think of how life can change from one day to an other and to constantly push your self to stand out. So I think it deserves a special count down made with a Chilean view, to learn and think about it:

The tragical death of Lee Alexander McQueen

Earthquakes affect Haiti and Chile
Political changes in Chile with new president Sebastian Piñera
Icelandic volcano cancelled most of lights in Europe for almost one week 
Fashion icon Carine Roitfeld leaves French Vogue after 10 years of duty
The nations of Latin America celebrated 200 years of independence
Argentinian musician Gustavo Cerati in "coma"
Corinne Day looses her fight against cancer
Worst ecological disaster, oil spill in Mexican Gulf
Incredible rescue of the 33 miners trapped 69 days underground in Copiapo, Chile
Tragical fire in San Gabriel's hail,  Chile
Icelandic volcano cancelled most of lights in Europe for almost one week
Rare sinkholes around the world
The controversial case of Julian Assange and Wikileaks

Dec 29, 2010

Christmas update!!

Hope everyone had an amazing time with their loved ones!!

This Christmas I had an amazing time with my family in a very special picnic day... of course I couldn't resits and I gave for present some cookies I made with the recipe I've posted in Spanish a few days ago!
Hope you like the results :)

Dec 28, 2010

Shopping On Minimalism

Ssense is a website where you can find all your fashion needs with a easy basic look... no distracting accessories or strong colors, just what you need and the way you want to see it. Also it's impossible to get lost in the web because is so clean and polished!!!
Great sales section ;)

Karl Faster Stronger

Karl, once again you surprise us with your own vision of the world.
But now youre surprising some new crowd out there... maybe this
is your first step to become "men's new idol"

Good luck with the new fans!!

Dec 22, 2010

Last Minute Present for All !! - Ginger Cookies

I promise I'll do an English version soon!!

Esta es la receta básica para realizar tanto galletas como casitas de jengibre. Luego sólo dependerá de la forma en que las corten y decoren. Se las recomiendo mucho, porque esta es la que estoy haciendo ahora y queda muy rica

Step 1
Batir a fondo:
6 tazas de harina para todo uso
1/2 cucharadita de levadura en polvo
5 cucharaditas de jengibre molido
4 cucharaditas de canela molida
1/2 cucharadita de clavos molidos
1/2 cucharadita de sal

Batir hasta que se mezclen bien:
2 huevos grandes
1 taza de miel (preocúpense de comprar una que no esté dura porque les dejará la masa muy seca)

Batir a velocidad mediana hasta que quede esponjoso y bien mezclados:
12 cucharadas (170g) de mantequilla, ablandada
1 1/2 tazas de azúcar morena

Mezclar muy bien la mezcla de miel de caña con la de azúcar morena

Batan la mitad del preparado de harina con la mezcla que hicieron recién hasta obtener una pasta homogénea y suave. Agreguen el resto de la harina y amasen bien.

Si la masa es muy blanda, pongan más harina hasta que quede más firme y más manejable, pero no del todo seca.

Pongan la masa en una bolsa de plástico sellable o en un recipiente de plástico hermético. Déjenla en un lugar fresco, pero no en la nevera, durante al menos 2 horas y máximo 6 horas.

O si se tienen cosas que hacer, se puede refirgerar la masa durante un máximo de 3 días, y llevar a temperatura ambiente antes de usar.

Después de la espera, dividan la masa por la mitad.

La masa es pegajosa, así que recomiendo que la estiren directamente sobre el papel mantequilla para que no se deforme cuando transfieran al horno.

Se puede extender con el rodillo entre dos hojas de papel mantequilla y luego congelar antes de cortar con los moldes, ya que puede resultar difícil desprender el papel.
Horneen en horno precalentado a 180ºC durante 11 a 15 minutos para piezas grandes (como el hombrecito o las piezas para las casitas) y de 6 a 8 minutos para piezas pequeñas / o hasta que los bordes se tiñan de color café.

Es el decorado de las galletas... la foto que puse no tiene el glasé, porque las vamos a decorar en conjunto hoy en la noche (les recomiendo que especialmente esta parte sea con un par de amigos... es demasiado entretenido!!) xD

2 claras de huevo
3 tazas de azúcar flor cernida (pasada por colador)
Jugo de limón

Poner en un tazón las claras de huevo, batirlas ligeramente, de preferencia con batidora eléctrica, e ir incorporando de a pocos el azúcar en polvo, hasta que tome una consistencia espesa, agregar el jugo de limón, seguir batiendo hasta  que forme puntitas, con esta consistencia será mas fácil poder decorar con boquilla .

+ Mejor esperar a que las galletas enfríen para poner el glasé.
+ Si quieren pueden saborizar y dar color al Glasé, con colorante y saborizante especial para repostería.
+ Si queda demasiado espeso, pueden agregarle gotas de jugo de limón.
+ Si quieres varios colores, separa la mezcla entre varios recipientes para colorear.
+ El glasé se tiene que mantener tapado con un paño húmedo para que no se seque mientras dibujas.

Dec 21, 2010

Ups! My mistake

<a href="">Follow my blog with bloglovin</a>

Hey people! Now you can follow my blog on bloglovin'

So happy!! I had some several problems with mi RSS so I had to make everything again!!!
Well, enjoy & have fun!

Ready... Set.. Follow!! :D

Bye Carine

Best of lucks for you dear Carine.
Surprise us!

Dec 16, 2010

Lago d'Iseo, Italy

In my opinion, more than a beautiful place it seems almost like a unexplored land for tourists... and that's just amazing. I went there to have a look at the very ends of August, when some people has returned to Milano but not enough to feel that vibrating energy so usual of it, so I had to run away.
I've got to say that just one day there is perfect to have a first look of that side in people from North Italy that usually you don't see on other very known lakes like Como, Maggiore or Garda.

My advice? Rent a bicycle (if you can't bring your own) and take the boat to the island in the center of the lake... you will never forget it. There's always something to see in this lake, like a extraordinary second hand design shop with some exotic kitsch nice things.

Dec 15, 2010

Water Color Me

The magic of working with water colours is that you can imagine, but can not totaly control the result... because you only make it once. This is a self portrait I made last year, I found it with my University archives, sadly the original piece is in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Dec 13, 2010

Back to The Roots - Part 2

Long Hours:

Some times planning a fashion show takes longer than what it should... but always worth it.

Back to The Roots - Part 1

Written in Santiago, Chile.

Last weekend I had to work in the 2010 edition of a very newbut interesting event: Raíz Diseño
Basicallythe idea of this project is to promote Chilean Fashion and the art of independent designersBut this time, they also promoted the amazing and brand new cultural center: "Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral", located just in front of the subway station Universidad Católica... The architecture of the place form materials to angles, it's just stunning.

Wellhere I have some nice pics I made my own during the backstage, waiting and styling.


Whant to see more about the event? Have a look at the oficial web site: http://raizdiseñ

Dec 9, 2010

Shoes Story - Part 1


I just can't say anything but THANKS... I've been living almost my entire life in a place where the very known but some times boring saying "Less is More" has taken away the natural instincts and creativity that describes the essence of a woman.

Here's one very recent story:

I wanted to find the prefect colorful-and-good-design shoes for my wedding, but walking through the streets of Santiago de Chile and after staying in Italy for almost 3 months, I was definitely DISAPPOINTED. Who would imagine that in the middle of the spring, 90% of shoes in a city would be nothing else but black, white, brown and colors in between.

Just like all my friends, I made the decision to Post on my Facebook Profile asking for help.
It takes, some times weeks, even moths to find the perfect shoes for one fo the most special days of your life.
But this time the sun was by my side cause, hey people: Facebook it's a weapon!!
You can find what ever (or who ever) you want with just a simple click!

Even when you think that you are the only one in your country, desperately looking for nice shoes, you can find others that yous like you, wants to change an entire city's manners and cultures.
I feel that this is not the end, the over rated "Les is More" has build a strong empire in this side of the world... 

But there's always going to be someone trying just beside you. Always.

Dec 3, 2010

Life Like Pink

Some times is amazing how life can smile at you... smile back with your A+